Interim Management Solutions

Interim management solutions are more and more asked for by companies because the good ones are fast, efficient, cost-transparent and at the same time sustainable. They are highly diverese and do clearly not operate just in a matter of short-term fire-fighting operations.

Interim solutions are very often in demand for planned organisational developments and process optimization, for the preparation of succession planning, for support in audits and certifications and of course in highly difficult turnaround situations.

The company’s point of view

On the one hand, interim managers are able to defuse critical situations very quickly; on the other hand, they are loyal to the assignment and not at all career-oriented. They are „apolitical“; they „come to leave again“, they bring an extremely large backpack of experience from comparable previous tasks and they are extremely valuable for the project task to be solved by the company due to their connectivity, their competence to deliver and theyr clarity of purpose and clarity of view / opinion.

The interim manager’s point of view

The self-image and task-profile of interim managers has changed significantly in recent years. Interim managers are becoming younger, more female and more self-confident. And that is a good thing. The labour market itself is changing just as rapidly as the market participants.

Especially in the highly specialised and quality-oriented food industry, interim managers, executives and experts are aware of their special role: they are an excellent addition to any corporate human resources strategy.

Interim managers are no longer pure restructuring experts. They are design and implementation experts. They are people with a special entrepreneurial creative drive who thrive to change their career paths and enjoy the project-work as interim managers. Because they want to drive things forward with passion. Independently and results-oriented.


The contribution of RAU INTERIM

Interim management is successful when the right partners on behalf of the company and on behalf of the manager get together for joint work and joint success. This is exactly what we support and why we do our job!

Getting together the solution (the interim manager) and the job to be done (the customer) is our goal and our inspiration! And we do this as an interim management partner that focuses exclusively on companies and interim managers within the food industry. We understand the needs of the companies in the industry. And we know the interim managers with proven success and experience in the industry.

That’s our added value as the first interim management partner to focus exclusively on one industry. The food industry.

Here you will find details of the services offered by RAU | INTERIM and information on the remuneration of interim management solutions.


What is special about RAU | INTERIM and
who is Thomas Schulz?
